
5) DEA ARTIO --- par Martine Racine

    FlorRaison 321/01/2019
     Martine Racine


        DEA  ARTIO
        En hommage intemporel à Susan Seddon Boulet

        La Déesse Ourse dansait son rêve, dans sa cape
        D’étoiles et d’oiseaux à mille yeux,
        Un songe lourd, empesé de vastes images
        Puissantes et vivaces de l’éternel retour.
        Elle chevauchait le vent du Nord, se riant
        De ses éraflures anodines dans sa fourrure.
        Et elle chantait… une mélodie de magie
        Qui réveillait les mondes sourds, enfermés
        Dans leurs lignes de temps sur le point d’être abolies.
          Note : dans la langue celtique « art » veut dire « ours » (d’où dérivent des prénoms
          comme Arthur, Martine etc.) et Artio était la déesse ourse.

        DEA  ARTIO
        En homenaje intemporal a Susan Seddon Boulet

        La Diosa Osa bailaba su sueno, en su manto 
        De estrellas y aves de mil ojos,
        Un grave sueño, almidonado de vastas imágines
        Potentes y vivaces de la vuelta eterna.
        Cabalgaba al viento del Norte, ríendose
        De sus rasguños anodinos en su armino.

        Y cantaba…una melodía de magia
        Que despertaba los mundos sordos, encerrados
        En sus líneas de tiempo a punto de ser anuladas.
          Nota: en el idioma Celta “art” quiere decir “oso”de donde provienen nombres
          como Arthur, Martín etc… y Artio era la diosa osa.

        DEA  ARTIO
        In timeless homage to Susan Seddon Boulet

        The Bear Goddess was dancing her dream
        In her cape of stars and a thousand eyed birds,
        A heavy dream, loaded with broad, powerful
        And lively images of the eternal return.
        She was riding the North wind, laughing
        At its harmless scratches on her fur.
        And she was singing...a melody of magic
        Awaking the sound proof worlds, locked
        In their time lines soon to be abolished.
          Note: in the Celtic language, art meant bear, and Artio was the Bear Goddess.

                                                                                      Martine Racine

                                                              Translation from French into English by the author 
                                                                      Traducción del francés al español por el autor
                                 Illustration : "Playing with the North Wind" by Susan Seddon Boulet
                                                                      La Terre - La Tierra -The Earth - 321/01/2019


 Playing with the North Wind
Susan Seddon Boulet.

Link to the reference page:

I provide here below the link to the Turning Point Gallery
if you are interested in purchasing any of the original paintings by Susan Seddon Boulet.

                                                                                                 Irénée Sikora

In Turning Point Gallery



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'Comments' below. 

1 comment:

  1. Martine, as I read this poem I could feel the power, the wind & the femininity. Very nice. Thank you.
