
Card views for Humanity until April 30, 2025 (Eng-Fr)

Card views for Humanity

The question : 

What is the prospect for Humanity on planet Earth 
until April 30, 2025 ?

On my wooden table, I lit a candle next to which I placed a glass of pure unrefined salt, a glass of spring water and a glass of honey.

This is the Tarot and Oracle reading I did while approaching the end of January 2025.

I drew one card from the Tarot of the Angels for the middle line, one card from the Tarot of the Archangels for the top line and one card from the Tarot of the Fairies who are entities of the Earthly Elemental Nature consciousness, for the bottom line. I also drew one additional card from the Oracle of Shakespeare.

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According to the cards, in this month of January 2025, humanity on Earth is going through many unnecessary mental and emotional distractions and distortions, which are preventing it from concentrating on what's essential. It is important to be aware of it, because, although not everyone, many people are unable to calm their minds.

The most effective way to regain balance, supported by uplifting motivation towards a radiant future and liberating inspirations, consists in reconnecting with Nature. The heart of Nature is always prodigiously summery in its magnificence, whatever the season of the year, as the Four of Summer card reminds here to us. The advice revealed by this card is to orient ourselves towards the space-time of the New Human, symbolised by the number 4. This is an energetic bridge linking the wonders of Earth with the wonders of Heaven. 

In this context, meditation is welcome. When we meditate, we are free to ask the spirits of Nature and the spheres of angelic celestial Consciousness to assist us on our inner journey.

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The middle card here is Ten of Water. It highlights the importance of the profound meaning of family. In our context, this means the family made up of the entire human species. It's high time for more and more Humans to perceive Earth's humanity as a whole and what's more, as a unified planetary family.

This is an edifying shift in our interpretations. It's time to stop seeing humans as competitive individuals and start seeing them as complementary beings. This will make it possible to bring about events that are of great satisfaction to everyone more quickly than we might imagine. It will provide us with unprecedented opportunities for success in all areas of our local realities.

Obviously, this will contribute to the positive restructuring of relationships within genetic families, soul families and linguistic and cultural groups of all kinds that, at another vibratory level, are also energetic families. The catalytic element in such restructuring is Water, literally and figuratively. And the number referring to it, is 10. This is singularly optimistic and encouraging.

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In the Tarot of the Archangels, the Lady of Gabriel arcana exposes the fact that from now on, human beings can set about truly realising all that they wish, all that they dream of, all that they desire most in their hearts. To do this, all humans are encouraged to express their right to freedom.

In this context, humans must remember that true freedom contains the energy of sovereignty that is duly sustained and sublimated by the unfailing application of unlimited personal responsibility for one's own thoughts and resulting actions. This means that it's time for humans to believe in themselves, to recognise and see that they are amazingly beautiful and powerful in their hearts. It means that more and more humans start helping each other.

It's important to note that, more than ever before, humans are also being helped by friendly physical and non-incarnate extraterrestrial beings whose actions are being carried out in many areas on Earth, and that it's important to express our gratitude to them regularly. Humans are encouraged to ask more questions and to learn to detect advice emanating from the vibratory range of wisdom.

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In the Oracle of Shakespeare, the card drawn shows the painting ‘The Wheel of Fortune’ (circa 1880) by the artist Edward Burne-Jones, which is now in France, in the collections of the Musée d'Orsay in Paris. Let's read the quotation at the bottom of this card : The wheel is come full circle, I am here ". This is stated by Edmund in Act V, Scene 3 in "King Lear" by William Shakespeare. In the plot of the drama, Edmund is a negative character. 

Today you reap what you sow. This is the time when those who have harmed humanity, reap their own full karmic burden, a particularly heavy one. We humans have to be cautious. The key message here is that nothing happens by chance. All of us are the ones who co-create events from our thoughts, which inevitably structure our beliefs, convictions and interpretations. If, in the depths of your heart, you in person believe that you can achieve the future you imagine, then, you are able to make it happen. This power resides within yourself and not apart from you.

From now on, in our own interests, our own thoughts and the actions that flow from them, must be inscribed in the higher frequency octaves. The higher our thoughts, the more sumptuous will be the harvest for each single human and for us all. The number 18 revealed on the card, has several energetic levels which our intuition encourages us to probe.

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That's all there is to it. I wish everyone the utmost comfort, serenity and optimism. The very beautiful days are ahead of us. Our power combines in our actions that stem from our will to unite for unshakeable and lasting peace on the entire planet Earth and in the Universe that is ready to assist us in our efforts towards this noble goal, if we ask for this assistance to happen. The foundation for tangible new realities of Magnificence radiates from our hearts where Earth and Heaven merge in Joy.

Conveyed through and by Irénée

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Vues des cartes pour l'Humanité

La question : 

Quel est le devenir de l'Humanité sur la planète Terre 
jusqu'au 30 avril 2025 ?

Sur ma table en bois, j'ai allumé une bougie à côté de laquelle j'ai posé un verre de sel pur non raffiné, un verre d'eau de source et un verre de miel.  

Voici le tirage du Tarot et de l'Oracle que j'ai effectué à l'approche de la fin du mois de janvier 2025.

J'ai tiré un arcane du Tarot des Anges pour la ligne médiane, un arcane du Tarot des Archanges pour la ligne supérieure et un arcane du Tarot des Fées qui sont des entités de la conscience de la Nature Élémentale Terrestre, pour la ligne inférieure. J'ai également tiré une carte supplémentaire de l'Oracle de Shakespeare.

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Selon les cartes, en ce mois de janvier 2025, l'humanité sur Terre passe par de nombreuses distractions et distorsions mentales et émotionnelles inutiles, ce qui l'empêche de se concentrer sur l'essentiel. Il importe d'en être conscient, parce que, pas tous, néanmoins beaucoup de gens n'arrivent pas à apaiser leur esprit. 

Le moyen très efficace pour retrouver l'équilibre soutenu par la motivation édifiante vers un avenir radieux et les inspirations libératrices, est de renouer le contact avec la Nature. Le cœur de la Nature est toujours prodigieusement estival dans sa magnificence, quelle que soit la saison de l'année, ce que nous rappelle la carte Quatre de l'Été. Le conseil que cette carte révèle, est de nous orienter vers l'espace-temps de l'Humain Nouveau symbolisé par le nombre 4. Il s'agit d'un pont énergétique reliant les merveilles de la Terre avec les merveilles du Ciel. 

Dans ce contexte, la méditation est bienvenue. En méditant, on est libre de demander aux esprits de la Nature et aux sphères de la Conscience céleste angélique, de nous assister dans notre voyage intérieur.

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La carte du milieu est ici Dix d'Eau. Elle rehausse l'importance du sens profond de la famille. Dans notre contexte, il s'agit de la famille constituée par l'espèce humaine entière. Il est grand temps que de plus en plus d'Humains perçoivent l'Humanité terrestre dans son ensemble et surtout, comme une famille planétaire unifiée. 

Il s'agit d'un glissement édifiant dans le registre de nos interprétations. Il est temps d'abandonner de percevoir les humains comme des individus compétitifs et de commencer à les percevoir comme des êtres complémentaires. Cela permettra de manifester plus vite qu'on ne l'imagine des événements apportant beaucoup de satisfaction pour tout le monde. Cela pourvoira des opportunités inédites de la réussite dans tous les domaines dans nos réalités locales. 

Bien évidemment, cela contribuera à restructurer positivement les relations dans les familles génétiques, dans les familles d'âmes et dans les groupes linguistiques et culturels en tous genres qui, à un autre niveau vibratoire, sont aussi des familles énergétiques. L'élément catalytique d'une telle restructuration est l'Eau au sens propre et au sens figuré. Et le nombre s'y référant est 10. C'est singulièrement optimiste et encourageant.

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Dans le Tarot des Archanges, l'arcane Dame de Gabriel expose le fait que dès à présent, les humains peuvent se mettre à réaliser vraiment tout ce qu'il souhaitent, tout ce dont ils rêvent, ce qu'ils désirent le plus dans leurs cœurs. Pour ce faire, tous les humains sont encouragés à exprimer leur droit à la liberté. 

Dans ce contexte, les humains doivent se rappeler que la véritable liberté contient l'énergie de la souveraineté qui est dûment soutenue et sublimée par l'application indéfectible de la responsabilité personnelle illimitée pour ses pensées et les actes qui en résultent. Cela signifie qu'il est temps que les humains croient en eux-mêmes, qu'ils reconnaissent et voient qu'ils sont étonnamment beaux et puissants dans leurs cœurs. Cela signifie que de plus en plus d'humains se mettent à s'entraider. 

Il est important de relever que, plus que jamais avant, les humains sont aidés aussi par des êtres extraterrestres amicaux physiques et non incarnés dont les actions sont réalisées dans de nombreux domaines terrestres et qu'il est important d'exprimer régulièrement notre gratitude à leur égard. Les humains sont encouragés à poser davantage de questions et à apprendre à détecter des conseils émanant du registre vibratoire de la sagesse.

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Dans l'Oracle de Shakespeare, la carte tirée montre le tableau "La roue de la Fortune" (vers 1880) du peintre Edward Burne-Jones qui se trouve en France, dans les collections du Musée d'Orsay à ParisLisons la citation au bas de cette carte : " La roue a parcouru son cercle, et voici où j'en suis ". Ceci est énoncé par Edmond dans l'Acte V, Scène III in "Le Roi Lear" par William Shakespeare. Dans l'intrigue du drame, Edmond est un personnage négatif. 

Aujourd'hui, vous récoltez ce que vous avez semé. C'est le temps lorsque ceux qui ont nui à l'Humanité, récoltent leur propre charge karmique entière, particulièrement lourde. Nous les humains devons être prudents. Le message clef ici est que rien n'arrive par hasard. Nous-mêmes cocréons les événements à partir de nos pensées qui structurent nos croyances, nos convictions et nos interprétations. Si, au plus profond de votre cœur, vous croyez que vous pouvez obtenir le futur que vous imaginez, alors vous pouvez le matérialiser. Vous avez ce pouvoir qui est en vous-mêmes et non en dehors de vous. 

Dès à présent, dans notre propre intérêt, nos propres pensées et les actes qui en découlent, doivent être inscrits dans les hautes octaves fréquentielles. Plus nos pensées sont élevées, plus somptueuse sera la récolte pour chaque humain et pour nous tous. Le nombre 18 que la carte révèle a plusieurs niveaux énergétiques que notre intuition nous encourage à sonder.

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C'est tout dans cette lecture. Je souhaite à tout le monde tout ce qui est de réconfortant, de serein et d'optimiste. Les très beaux jours sont devant nous. Notre puissance se conjugue dans nos actions issues de notre volonté de nous unir pour la paix indéfectible et durable sur la planète Terre entière et dans l'Univers disposé à nous assister dans nos efforts orientés envers ce noble but, si nous demandons que cette assistance advienne. Le fondement pour des réalités nouvelles tangibles de la Magnificence rayonne depuis nos cœurs où la Terre et le Ciel fusionnent dans la Joie.

Communiqué à travers et par Irénée

FlorRaison Light Connections

Paysage cosmique - ©Harm Kuijers
Photographies et Message interprété - ©Irénée Sikora
en coopération avec 

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Harm Kuijers

Important Notice   Nl-Eng-Fr

FlorRaison© Copyright


DROPS OF WATER by Irénée Sikora - Vitamine 72

           Vitamine 72

                Theatrical miniature 
                      DROPS OF WATER
                       by Irénée Sikora



Drink a glass of water. You are thirsty.

- That's true .......... 
so refreshing ... I didn't realize I was thirsty.
Here, a glass for you. 

Thank you. I'll drink later.

- I'd like to ask you something that I feel is a critical issue.

I'd like to ask you something that I feel is a critical issue.

- You have a sense of humor. Go on.

What is your body that has been assessed as biological ?

- ... assessed ?

Yes. You are the author of this assessment, don't you remember ?

- No, I don't.

And yet, following this very assessment, you are the one 
who reduced yourself to your own genome. 
Go on, answer my question.

- My biological body is a vessel.

What does it contain ?

- My thoughts, feelings and character traits that all together build
my personality. And it seems to me that the core 
of any personality 
is ... erm ...

I'm listening. So ?

- ... is ego.

What is ego ?

- If I'm not mistaken, it's about the content of my body made of matter.

You are mistaken. Ego is a vessel.
It is a vessel made of matter.

- Of matter ? I don't understand.

Take a sip of water.

- Yes, I will ..........   

Have you forgotten the existence of your soul ?

- Oh, you're right, I didn't think of it ... in fact, that is what fills my body.

What you're saying is interesting and imprecise.
The point is that your materialistic body is contained in your soul.

- Are you talking about the aura ?


- Thus ... soul is not really a content, but a vessel, isn't it ?

Yes, it is. It's an amazingly particular vessel since it has 
been made to contain and fill your body. 
You know it. You always did.

- But soul contains not only materialistic body ...

Not only.

- Wait a minute. We have not yet mentioned the light.

No, we haven't. It's time to mention it. What is it for you ?

- Primary food inherent to the time in which I evolve.
I think that without light we simply cannot live.

Well, everybody can. You too. It is possible as long as you reduce yourself 
to a materialistic body in which ego reigns supreme.

- Supreme ? There must be some reason for that.

Yes, there is a reason. Only one. It's about oblivion.

- Oblivion ... of what ?

Oblivion of what ? Answer it.

- ... of my origins ... if I'm not mistaken ...

You are not mistaken. When ego recognizes its original vibration of vessel, 
of tool, of servant, that means that it is in its proper place and 
when it is in its place, it has nothing to fear.

- Even death ?

Even death.

- But ego is mortal.

It is, but only when it is not in its place.
And now imagine a sphere of light.

- That's it. Would its surface be my ego ?

No. Neither its surface nor what is inside. I have this sphere with me.
I descend to you and you ascend to me.

- How do I ascend ? 

By increasing your vibrational frequency. It is possible. If you believe it is possible,
your state of faith is no longer a state but a movement and you grow up.
For example you are free to go without your cell phone to a park
where you can touch a tree.

- I see. I can touch it with my heart.

You can, but it is not necessary. Your hand is enough.
At the very moment when you are touching the tree,
just stop thinking for a few seconds.

- It's not easy.

If you think it is not easy, it is not easy.

- What is that sphere for ?

Child plays with it.

- And adults ?

The adults whose ego is in its proper place understand the meaning of
unlimited responsibility for their thoughts and use this sphere to create.
But this sphere is inaccessible to all those whose ego is not in its place
and for them it is impossible to create anything. They can only
imitate, offend, moan, lie, confuse, destroy.

- There are however adults who can alternately create and destroy.

They are the ones who, regardless of age, are fearful of their childhood 
and  flee  from  it.  Those people,  once  they  have  become  adults, 
are  afraid  to  recognize  the unlimited  personal  responsibility 
for their imagination, thoughts and actions, this responsibility 
of which each one of them has been endowed 
since the beginning.

- This sphere of light must not be heavy
if children are able to play with it.

This sphere is heavier than the Earth.

- Is there anything heavier ?


- Would it be an ego that is not in its place ?

You do not know what you are asking.
Formulate your question in some different way.

- ... ? Uh ... 
is it an ego that is not in its place ?

This question is my response.

- In this regard, could you give me some advice ?

Of course. Listen :
Stop admiring your ego, beacause it is not your idol. 
Stop hating your ego, because it is not your enemy.
Stop feeding it with indifference.
This vessel is in you so that you can take care of your individuality,
so that you can love it.

- You still haven't drunk a drop. Aren't you thirsty ?

Yes I am, but I cannot drink your water.
The water I drink does not exist in your space-time.

- What is the water you drink made of ?

Of Fire.

- I see.

From your perspective, you do not see what I unveil to you,
but it is a detail of no importance.

- So how is it that I am seeing you ?

You are in my dream.

- See ? It's an illusion.

Really ? Is an illusion your body that has been assessed as biological ?
Can you touch yourself ?

- Well, yes, I can. I am in the flesh right here in front of you.

See ? The world you co-create in your time 
still does not understand what a dream is.

- And what is it ?

Primary food without which you cannot live. This is the Law.

- You said that living without light is possible ...

It is. 
And you instinctively knew that we still have not mentioned Light.

- Would It ... 
is It a kind of food ?

You do not know what you are asking.
Formulate another question.

- Is Light separated from me ?

No, It is not, because you fulfill the contract that bears 
the energy signature appended of your own free will.

- I don't remember signing such a contract.

You did sign it before you were born.

- What are you seeing by looking at me ?

From my perspective, I see you live in a dark time.

- A dark one ?

You live in a biological body that has been assessed as mortal
and you fight to survive in a world of lords and slaves 
where you are sometimes said that this is a paradise.

- Once upon a time there was a garden of Eden.

What do you know about this ?

- This garden was a colony in a region on Earth  known today as Taurus. 
The lords  came from another space  and set up a place of forced labour. 
Ádams were their slaves. There was a state secret, a plague, an informal 
education, an uprising, a pogrom. The Sumerian term 'Á-Dam'  
means 'enrolled herds' or 'thinking animals'. 
It was hard, I remember.

Thank you for that clarification. I appreciate your confidence in me.

- What else are you seeing ?

Above all, I see through you. When you allow me to proceed, 
I see your own future that is not directly mine. There are lots of potentialities. 
Each one of them stems from your thoughts and from your dreams. 
Everything gets recorded and remains alive. 
There is less and less imbalance and more and more wisdom.
Dangers are still manifold, but not for you, 
if you direct your attention to me.

- You are in front of me. Is it a virtual appearance ?

No, it isn't. My body you are seeing is real, biological.
However, I have the ability to introduce myself in various forms.

- May I touch you ?

Now at this moment it is impossible. Both of us evolve in two different times.
They unfold simultaneously, but each one at its own speed. There is a mirror 
between you and me. It is an opening, a time opening that allows us 
to exchange information. And finally here is the good news : 
times are getting closer.

 - What is the nature of this information ?


- You say you have the ability to introduce yourself in various forms.
Can you give an example ?

Your discernment.

- I think it's quite possible for me to use discernment 
without listening to you.

Unfortunately not. That is impossible.

- When I am mistaken about a friend, 
this is because I'm not used to listen to you ?

That's true.
And when you don't listen to me, 
then you are also mistaken about your enemies.

- Under what circumstances are you used to talk to me ?

They are many. For example, when you sleep, I occasionally 
give you some advice in your dreams.

- Why occasionally ?

I download my suggestions to you only on your request. Otherwise 
it is not possible. Sometimes I can communicate a message to you 
through a work of art or a text of my choosing. Momentarily I also 
can use the voice of someone around you. This method is however 
risky, because of manipulators who are conscious
 or unconscious of their manipulation.
 - What are your own dreams for ?

For putting things in order. That's what I do. This order is composed of 
cooperation, power, health, honesty, prosperity, rhythm and elegance
so that you can live better and subsequently so I can live better too.
In this way, the vibration of our respective realities can increase.
All of that in order to improve the lives of others. I select 
optimal solutions by erasing everything irresponsible, 
dangerous, cacophonous, stagnant, sickly, useless or stupid.

- Is it possible to get there ?

Well, not always.
But this is possible and above all easier 
when you get into contact with me.

- I deduce that the contact with you is beneficial.

It is, but you are always free to set aside my suggestions, 
or simply not to listen to me.

- Where is the communicated information stored ?

In water.

- Where is this water ?

In your body.

- You are a master.

You too.
Just like you, I am a unity of consciousness and I serve too.
Do not forget that each unity of consciousness 
has the double status of Student and Master.

- I have one more question.

I know and I'm listening to you.

- Will you and I be walking hand in hand one day ?

Yes. That will happen when my present time that is your past time
and when your present time that is my future time 
will merge into oneness.

- Is it possible in the future ?

In your future, it has already happened.
Don't forget that you live simultaneously in the future.

- Does it mean that I live simultaneously in three times ?

Yes, it does.
You were, you are and you will be at the same time.

- I would like to listen to you all the time and do whatever you suggest.

Then I suggest you do not do it all the time.
You would become a puppet. Yet, you are here 
to help co-create a better and more beautiful world.

- Now, let me drink this glass of water to your health.

My health is at your service.

- It was an interesting conversation. Thank you.

It was an interesting conversation. Thank you.

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FlorRaison Vitamins

Photography and light - Harm Kuijers
Play, acting and text   -    Irénée Sikora
Translated from French by the author

In cooperation with

your Comment(s) below and/or on Telegram

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Harm Kuijers

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Important Notice   Nl-Eng-Fr