Vitamine 45
Let's render thanks to the Indiscernible without Whom
the discernible is nothing but an empty worthless envelope.
You call Me and I call you. Here I am.
I am happy You are.
You are free to answer this question :
That means to give oneself
as a corridor that allows a specific dose of Light to move.
who properly expand their ability of heart reflection.
What about the ego of someone who acts as a channel ?
In this circumstance,
the personal responsibility of what is communicated.
and unlimited personal responsibility
Unable to catch the NEW, launching fashions
nothing else but the old.
That allows you to recognize who they are.
Do not forget that there are agreements that were
You too signed an agreement. Ask.
Am i a channel ?
You had already asked Me this question. Three times I say you :
Yes i do. I know it and i live it.
In my deepest being,
for all my actions.
What is a dual personality ?
What is a dual personality ?
This is an old term taken from an old vocabulary that is valid
to those who have abandoned the Sacred so that they can try
to tarnish It, forget or put It out of them
in order to analyze or adore It.
Am I your double ?
Yes, You are : within our personality that is one,
Escape is nothing but a veil. Only you have woven it.
that your physical body is the realization of a concrete state of
May i ask you another question ?
You may.
One day in June 1943 in Budapest, the-one-who-speaks says :
No, she hadn't. She instantaneously knew
that her i is not erased, but contained in her I. When later,
it occasionally happens that she gives her whole body
to three other I, she is not a channel either, because these I
What i write on FlorRaison pages attests
that what i do is only a reflection devoid of interest.
Yet, i feel an indescribable innermost force sustained
by certainty that what i do is new.
Be also my support. I am happy You are.
You are grateful and independent.
The-one-who-speaks supports you too,
because you are not a channel.
is out of time.
We established a rhythm. That is the question of breath
Give up every single "perhaps".
who have cut off their own wings.
You, start with certainty just as you do
are not able to read.
One day i was told that i am pretentious
i have read a little, i could not force myself,
since i have never needed to read a lot.
Neither a little nor a lot serves anyone any more.
to flatter or humiliate, cuts off his own hand.
Appropriate and fair compliments that nourish the soul
as well as the encouragement they provide
That's saddening ...
Sadness and pity are nothing but poison.
Start engraving compassion even for puppets !
Act through Joy. Joy is also you
since you are also a Fire choreographer !
Now please, liberate your smile, because
I am happy You are. I don't need to ask any more.
Listen carefully :
by the-one-who-speaks to what is said by the one who you are.
Are you with Me ?
I am not with You :
... yes ?
Now, listen to this introduction :
the comforting warmth within the body of my mother,
a space where I miss one luminous component made of
tiny stellar particles of understanding.
All of a sudden, I start to suffocate ... I must breathe, otherwise
if I do not inhale the air in time, my dive into the world of physicality will fail.
At the end of the tunnel of my mother's womb, I can see a kind of white and
non refined light. My leaving is slow and laborious. Then I discover the first breath
and thermic shock : I am cold. In the spectrum of a subtly fluorescent brightness
I cannot see my body and I know nothing about it, but I do see the people assisting
my birth, I remember their faces (there were approximately twelve persons in the team
because the delivery took place within the framework of an internship for students,
I learned that many years later) and I understand perfectly what they say.
It seems to me that I am able to catch their thoughts. The exclamation "a boy !'
informs me that this is a designation of who I am, which means my first limitation.
The visual, thermic and acoustic sensations confirm that this reality is a hostile
and illusory world of separateness, a lucid and very unpleasant sensation in my case.
Within the following seconds,
I am taken from my mother and put in another room. I have to get used to my body,
which seems too tight. I take little interest in it and feel that there is no way to master it.
I start to realize vaguely what my physical eyes are for.
I close them and fall asleep.
Les semaines se ressemblent en apparence seulement. Rien n'est prémédité.
Depuis trois jours je sais
Rendons grâce à l'Insaisissable sans Lequel le saisissable
Je suis heureux que Tu sois.
Tu es libre de répondre à cette question :
C'est de s'offrir en tant que couloir à travers lequel
Qu'en est-il de l'ego de l'humain qui sert de canal ?
Son ego se doit d'être momentanément rendu inactif,
Incapables de saisir le NOUVEAU, lançant les modes
N'oublie pas qu'il est des accords signés avant d'avoir plongé
Suis-je un canal ?
Tu M'avais déjà posé cette question. Je te dis par trois fois :
Je le sais et je le vis.
Au plus intime de qui je suis,
Qu'est-ce que c'est que le dédoublement de la personnalité ?
Qu'est-ce que c'est que le dédoublement de la personnalité ?
C'est un terme ancien sorti d'un lexique ancien valable pour
Suis-Je ton double ?
Oui, à l'intérieur de notre personnalité qui est une,
parce que la Vie est éternelle et une.
L'échappatoire n'est qu'un voile. C'est toi qui l'as tissé.
Puis-je Te poser une autre question ?
Un jour du mois de juin 1943 à Budapest, celle-qui-parle dit :
Non. Elle a su immédiatement que son moi n'est pas effacé,
Ce que j'écris sur les pages FlorRaison relève
que ce que je fais n'est qu'un reflet sans intérêt.
Sois aussi mon appui. Je suis heureux que Tu sois.
Tu es reconnaissant et indépendant.
Je suis donc aussi ton appui.
Nous avons établi un rythme qui est une respiration
entre ce qui est temporel et ce qui ne l'est pas.
Abandonne tous les "peut-être",
Toi, pars de la certitude comme tu le fais et ne crains rien !
qui puissent y voir rien qu'une ombre ne savent pas lire.
On m'a dit un jour que je suis prétentieux
Ni le peu, ni le beaucoup ne servent plus personne.
Le compliment opportun et juste nourrissant l'âme
C'est triste ...
Tristesse et pitié ne sont que poison.
Mets-toi à graver la compassion
même pour les marionnettes !
Agis par la Joie qui est aussi toi-même.
Elle l'est parce que tu es aussi chorégraphe de Feu !
Maintenant libère ton sourire, car
Je suis heureux que Tu sois. Je ne demande plus rien.
Sois attentif :
Es-tu avec Moi ?
Je ne suis pas avec Toi :
... oui ?
Maintenant, entends cette introduction :
Soudain, je commence à suffoquer ... je dois respirer, car si je manque à insuffler
Dans les secondes qui suivent,