


AnunnaKi in a Bigger Picture

by Irénée Sikora

Without Art, instead of genuine creation, there are only replicas 
to decorate blind alleys. Using the heart in a world 
that is ruled by the brain, is an art.

Where are the Artists ?

On the universal scale of cosmic time, our Solar System is young, and planet Earth is the setting for all kinds of experiments in the processes of learning everything that has to do with free and responsible creativity. These experiments are carried out on the numerous and varied forms of Life that the Earth hosts and shelters, herself being a conscious celestial sphere. In the evolution of terrestrial ecosystems and the species considered intelligent that inhabit them, the karmic energies involved have always had an educational function. Therefore, all the experiments carried out on Earth have the potential to be lived by the authors of these experiments, and they are.

The stakes are of a cosmic magnitude.

One after another, terrestrial civilisations have failed on the path of their evolution, because they have been incapable of drawing edifying conclusions from the lessons to which they committed themselves. They have repeated the same mistakes for the umpteenth time and have learned nothing. 

Today, the current version of terrestrial civilisation faces the same challenge in terms of survival. This time, however, there are a great many extraterrestrial observers and active incarnate participants who have arrived from various parts of the Milky Way and other galaxies. They are not on Earth to interfere with the free will of Earthlings, but to assist them in their efforts to raise the vital luminic rate of as many individuals as possible. The stakes are of cosmic magnitude, because if we fail, the involutive repercussions would have an intensely contagious cancerous impact on many galaxies in the Universe. Thus, this is by no means a local affair within which they can afford to let the Earthlings go on endlessly arguing amongst themselves, just for words, and killing each other. 

It is imperative to recognise that the Homo Sapiens strain does not represent the only thinking humanoid species living on planet Earth. On the inter-species karmic level, both the Homo Sapiens and the Anunnaki are linked, whether, on both sides, they like this fact or dislike it. We'll see later that there are also other humanoid races on Earth with whom residual karmic links continue to exist.

There is no drama.

The good news is that for the humans who, while pursuing their path, succeed in raising their frequencies to the required threshold, the karmic energies dissolve. As a result, these humans no longer need to continue their apprenticeship through karma, they naturally shed it and can, if they so wish, enter the fifth octave of Earth consciousness that humans refer to as the New Earth. All those who are not ready to do so, will melt into a background elsewhere or continue their lessons elsewhere, on some other planets that they will be assigned. There is no need for drama, especially as we all have eternity ahead of us to learn.

Having understood for aeons that opaque, muddy and heavy frequencies attract each other and contaminate the cosmic environment, many extraterrestrials watch how we perceive the extraterrestrials we are supposed to perceive. Some of them represent species that are far more spiritually evolved than our own. They see that for many Earthlings, the unknown is fearful. And they see that in the eyes of our species as a collective, beings from interstellar space represent either saviours or devils. In such an ongoing medieval-type classification, the space left for imagining other categories remains very limited, almost inconceivable. The existence of extraterrestrials turns out to be disturbing for the order that has been established by psychological manipulation in the consciousness of the majority of us. In their presence, when it is tangible to our senses, we kneel before them, or we flee from them, or we kill them. Occasionally, some of us try to be clever and trick them ... So many ways of delaying official contact with us Humans.

All this taken into account, the overall situation is changing in favour of those who have not stopped, but keep walking along their path. Some of them will undoubtedly be interested in (re)discovering what is involved in the idea of cohabitation of two or more intelligent humanoid species on the same celestial sphere, as is the case for planet Earth.

An invitation to savour the pleasure of exploring.

We now easily recognise the quantum evidence showing that time contains a large number of potentialities unfolding on parallel future time tracks. We have more difficulty in digesting the information that the past similarly conceals potentialities that are not only interpretative but also event-driven. However, as soon as we conceive that, in a quantum reality, there may be parallel timelines in the past, then, whichever option we choose, each of our divergent historical positions or perspectives is correct and there is no need to argue. What follows is submitted unconditionally to the discernment of each reader, who is free at any time to reject or accept the investigation set out in part or in full. 

If some of us feel uncomfortable with discernment, all they have to do is observe themselves to feel whether they are vibrating with what is written here or not. In our species called Homo Sapiens, sceptical individuals who place intelligence in brains, will remain sceptical until the end of their incarnation, no matter how many demonstrations, references and tangible proofs are provided.

It may happen that while reading this text, some of you will detect in yourselves a feeling of encouragement to revise some preconceived ideas. It may happen that a few other questioning minds might glimpse a need to reconsider their own perceptions from a different angle, but in all cases it is important for me to point out that I am neither seeking to persuade nor to influence anyone's points of view or convictions, my aim being simply to share the results of my painstaking investigations and duly considered reflections. What Readers do with it is entirely up to them. I would only ask you all to refrain from sending me - directly and/or via intermediary messages - disrespectful and hurtful criticism, because in the depths of my honesty, my heart tells me that I don't deserve it.

One more remark as an introduction to the core of the subject. The main question here is obviously this one : What does the word Humankind mean to you personally ? If, in someone's eyes, this word refers only to the Homo Sapiens branch, then everything that follows in this text will probably be of no interest to that person. In this article, the history that I have perceived, explored and exposed develops over a very long period before the emergence of the Adamic Cain branch, referred to by anthropologists as Homo Sapiens. What's more, I'm not the only one to include in the term 'Humankind' multiple indigenous and extraterrestrial humanoid species, all the more so because the human DNA molecule possesses galactic origins.

Readers are encouraged not to skip any paragraphs that seem linguistically too technical. There is a deeper meaning to why some of the archetymological details have been placed here. It is very likely that certain passages will catalyse something powerful and very personal in you. It is also an invitation to savour the pleasure of an exploration rich in fascinating discoveries and liberating insights.

OK. Those who are ready are advised to fasten their seatbelts, as departure is imminent.

The first ones who changed their social status.

The history of the Anunna lineage is closely linked to that of the Nu'ungal. The creation of both was achieved in a political context of infiltration, the essence of which was a number of premeditated events triggering disastrous belligerent decisions. These decisions led to a particularly frenetic, subsequent stage of war on an interstellar scale. The echo of this war is mentioned on the clay cylinder written in Sumerian ref. CBS 8383-a in column 1, lines 4-10 (and not 1-7, since the lines 1-3 have been broken). Many centuries later, when the texts intended for the composition of the Bible were compiled, this bellicose episode, like much additional information, was discarded and passed over in silence.

In this chapter, before moving on to the subject of the Anunna lineage, let us recall in summary that the Nu'ungal lineage constituted a group of beings who were great not only in terms of size, but also in terms of intelligence and nobility tinged with benevolence oriented towards the search for peaceful solutions. They were hybrid beings with a percentage of reptilian genetic heritage, noble clones with powerful understanding, capable of civilising less intellectually and technologically evolved races. The Nu'ungal were programmed and educated to follow and protect EnKi and members of his family, first in Sumer and later in Atlantis and Egypt.

A few additional indications on this subject are worth highlighting. The Nu'ungal were designed by the geneticists Ea and his genetic mother, the interstellar planner Namma. On planet Earth, Ea was known as EnKi. The most famous of the Nu'ungal lineage was called Zehuti. His name was also pronounced The[h]ut-i, to simplify Theut, and later Thoth. We'll come back to this character in a few moments. It should be pointed out once again that at a later date, some of the Nu'ungal and their female companions of the Homo genetic stock, whom they therefore considered to be human, gave birth to a line of hybrid humanoids known as Nephilim. It is interesting to add that, in Mesopotamian literature, the Nu'ungal were referred to by the Akkadian name Igigi. This name could be broken down into Sumerian morphemes.

So here's what follows in our investigation. The Sumerian term 𒅆𒄀 is pronounced [IgiGi]. This term comes from 𒅆 [Igi] meaning 'first', 'the one before', as well as 'eye' and by extrapolation 'observer or (impartial) watcher' + 𒄀 [Gi] meaning 'to act with justness' and implicitly 'with wisdom' and also 'to stabilise', 'to strengthen' ; 'reliable', 'trustworthy'. As a result, the term 𒅆𒄀 [IgiGi] refers in the plural to : "the first watchers who act justly" and/or "the first trustworthy watchers". Let's also note that the 𒄀 [Gi] means 'reed (for writing)', 'cane' and also the verb 'to implant (a project)'. This says a lot about the intellectual potential of these beings. In the area of their morphology, as I understand it, it also means that the IgiGi were basically vegetarians, as were their creators EnKi and Namma.

Let us add that the homophonic pictographs 𒅆𒄄 [IgiGi4] where 𒄄 [Gi4] means 'change of (social) status', help to bring us closer to the fuller meaning of the identification of these individuals. So, the synonymic term 𒅆𒄄 can be translated as 'the first ones who changed their social status'. We could go into more revealing archetymological details here (including, for the Nu'ungal, the morpheme 𒅅 [G̃ál] meaning 'wise and powerful', 'full of wisdom and strength' and also 'the plough'), but, in order not to burden our account with overly technical notes, let's just mention for the moment that shortly after the Anunna arrived on planet Earth, the Nu'ungal were forced into hard physical labour.

Hybrids with a complex genetic inheritance.

The Sumerian pictographs read from left to right 𒀭𒀀𒉣𒈾 are pronounced [A-Nun-Na] and therefore refer to the Anunna. As a reminder, the sign 𒀭 [An] can be omitted in the pronunciation, since very often it has the function of a determinative introducing a character who has arrived on the planet Earth designated by the pictograph 𒆠 [Ki] from a distant region in cosmic space, thus a character of extraterrestrial origin. The pictograph 𒀀 [A] means 'father', 'begetter', 'seminal fluid', '(male) offspring', but also 'tears' and the interjection 'alas!'. The 𒉣 [Nun] means 'metal object / (armour) made of copper', but also 'noble' and 'prince'. A not insignificant detail : the 𒉣 has its homophone which is 𒁍 [Nùn] meaning 'fight'. Finally, 𒈾 [Na] means 'male', 'man'.

But here's another unexpected detail that reinforces the idea that this is indeed a hybrid strain created from the specified genetic material, initially extracted from humanoid specimens belonging to multiple and varied races scattered across our galaxy. Just note that the pictograph 𒉣 meaning 'noble' has its exact synonym 𒍘 pronounced [Ušum] which again means 'noble' and also 'snake'. Snake-men, then. Hybrids with a complex genetic heritage. The linguistic camouflage was nearly perfect ...

Let's add another, not insignificant detail. The designation Anunna (with three Ns) is sometimes written Anuna (with two Ns). In this case, the term Anuna conceals the word 𒅇𒈾 [Ù.Na] or [Una] which means 'animal' and also 'wild and proud'. It says a lot about the psychological profile of these warriors. To my understanding, it also means that the Anunna were genetically programmed to feel the need for consuming meat.

However, the morphology of the Sumerian language allows us to break down the term Anunna into An(u)-Nu'-Na, subsequently providing an extended designation which is not contradictory but complementary. In this variant, we obtain respectively : 𒀭 [An(u)] + 𒉡 [Nu] + 𒈾 [Na]. Here, the pictograph 𒀭 can be pronounced [An] or [Anu], which is then not a determinative, but a proper noun. In this case, it refers to a male character initially called An and later Anu. The pictograph 𒉡 [Nu] means 'male genitalia' ; 'to thread', 'the thread' ; the negation 'no', 'not'. Its homophone 𒀕 [Nu7] means 'creator', 'begetter'. And as we have seen, the 𒈾 [Na] means 'male', 'man'.

Taking all this into consideration, by faithfully referring to the semantic fields of the Sumerian morphemes as they have been identified here and seeking to associate them, we can see in greater depth what the designation Anunna means. They are "hybridised humanoid beings, fundamentally reptilian of the male sex, considered or considering themselves to be noble and whose primary occupation is (perpetually) threaded battle, the cause of affliction (alas !) and tears". They are also "male creatures of protest (and battle) whose extraterrestrial designer was called An". In short, they are warriors who are supposed to have taken part in a war in the stars. When they arrived in the Solar System and ended up settling in the third frequency octave of the planet Earth, this terrestrial octave having been designated by the pictograph 𒆠 [Ki], to their name Anunna the 𒆠 was added as an ending and since then they have been called by the name AnunnaKi.

They shaped cloned images.

The question we might ask here concerns the character known as An(u). Who was he ? In the Epic of Creation found at Nineveh, which begins with the words 𒂊𒉡𒈠𒂊𒇺 pronounced [Enūma Eliš], literally meaning "When on High .... "From Tablet 1 of this document (lines 1-15), we learn that 𒀭 [An] was conceived by his two creators, who were called 𒀭𒊹 [AnŠár] and 𒆠𒊹 [KiŠár]. Knowing that in phonetics the letter Š is read "sh" as in the word flash, their names are respectively transcribed as Anshar and Kishar. In the text, we read that An was fashioned in the image of Anshar. It is interesting to note here that the name AnŠár means "Heaven in its totality" and that the name KiŠár means "Earth in its totality". Another relevant detail is that the pictograph 𒊹 [Šár] means not only 'totality', but also 'mixture' and, in genetic terms, 'hybridisation'. Not coincidentally, its homophone 𒊬 [Šar] means 'to make splendid'.

It is possible to chart the ancestry of Anshar and Kishar back beyond the horizon of the major cyclic doubling of time until prior to the intentional uncontrolled ripping of the space-time fabric in a targeted part of our galaxy called the Milky Way, but that would be another chapter. For more information about artificial matrices and the art of cloning as it was practised in our distant past, intrigued readers are free to refer to my article "Enki the geneticist and the Nu'ungals" published here on the FlorRaison pages.

Like his direct ancestors, An was conceived by a process of in vitro genetic design and biologically brought to maturity in accelerated time in an artificial matrix. He was himself a geneticist specialising in the science of cloning. One of the most important humanoid creatures that An ever conceived in his laboratory was a cloned male individual named for a long time Ea. His genetic heritage was fundamentally, but not exclusively, reptilian, the outcome of a unique and skilful hybridisation based on a concept that An kept secret and never revealed to anyone. It should be emphasised that Ea was not an Anunna specimen, since the Anunna strain did not yet exist at the time of the creation of Ea, who later on Earth was given the name EnKi.

In line 68 of the text "Enki and the order of the world", ref.: tablet AO 6020 (TCL 1536) which is now in the Louvre Museum in Paris, we read what EnKi says about himself : " I am the first born of An ". As a reminder, EnKi was programmed to work essentially as a geneticist, just like his creator An.

In the context of a premeditated epidemiological and political crisis, An obtained royal authorisation to genetically conceive the Anun(n)a lineage. In the same context, Ea (EnKi) obtained royal authorisation to genetically conceive the Nu'ungal lineage.

" When, upon the hill of heaven and earth, An spawned the Anuna gods, [...] he neither spawned nor created Grain with them [...] The Anuna, the great gods, did not even know the names Ezina-Kusu (Grain) or Sheep. " Lines 1-3 and 10-11 in the " The debate between Sheep and Grain " tablet in the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology at the University of Pennsylvania. This shows that the Anunna were not destined to plough the ground. As we have seen, according to the designation given to them by their genetic designer An, the Anunna were warriors.

A creator and his creature.

This episode covers a significant incident which will have multiple consequences in the portion of the space-time fabric containing the galactic arm of Orion where our Solar System is located. The incident relates to an experimental genetic creation, only partially mastered and carried out in the same context of the epidemiological and political crisis mentioned above. It involves a male specimen hybridised from DNA sequences that had been selected and taken at random from the genetic make-up of numerous humanoids belonging, for the most part, to the various strains of the reptilian branch scattered throughout certain constellations in the Milky Way. In this conception, the risk of epigenetic incompatibility was particularly high. The author of this design and its maker was 𒀀-𒂗𒆠 [Ea-EnKi] himself. The clone in question, to whom Ea-EnKi gave birth from an artificial matrix, was later named 𒂗𒆤 EnLíl.

Let's remember in this regard that the epithet 𒂗𒆠 [EnKi] designates "the Lord / Ancestor of (planet) Earth" and let's specify that the epithet 𒂗𒆤 [EnLíl] etymologically designates "the ordinary Lord" or "the Lord of the Wind / of the Breath of malevolent ghost / of mental Disease", bearing in mind that the pictograph 𒆤 [Líl] also designates concealed knowledge and madness.

From the very beginning, EnLíl proved to be irascible, vindictive, immoderately ambitious, relatively adept at sharp manipulative decisions and highly motivated to exercise himself in competitive sports and combat activities, but was unable to distinguish between a planning act and an act of sexual violence. EnKi could have eliminated this clone in the early days of his incarnate existence, but did not. It should be emphasised that EnLíl's genetic heritage was not that of the Anunna. This implies the fact that he was not an Anunna, even though, in terms of group psychology and combativeness, there was an undeniable similarity and attraction between him and these warriors.

Of course, EnLíl wasn't a Nu'ungal either, especially as the vibratory rate of his aspected soul oscillated too low to rise to the required threshold and be included in the highly spiritual luminic frequencies characterising federated interstellar planners. In terms of species genetics, EnLíl was a hybrid case apart, a unique deficient prototype. He soon separated from his designer EnKi and became An's first protégé. In the Bible, EnLíl will be dissimulated behind the name יהוה read in Hebrew (from right to left) [YHWH]. This name does not appear in Chapter 1 at the beginning of Genesis where the Gods in the plural are referred to by the name אֱלֹהִים [EL(o)H(i)M]. These two appellations of "God" are not synonymous and refer to distinct incarnate entities. Interested readers may wish to consult my other articles published in the FlorRaison blogspot.

What happened next turned out to be of major historical importance for a significant area of our galaxy.

A strategic military settlement.

In dramatic circumstances, EnKi, in the company of the female interstellar planner 𒀭𒇉 [Namma], a small group of Nu'ungal and a few other individuals, managed to escape from an onslaught, enter an intertemporal tunnel aboard a spaceship and arrive on 𒀭𒅁 [Uraš], i.e. the secret planet Earth, or in other words, the Earth of many secrets, which is another name for our planet, that in those distant ages was, for a time only, away from the wars in our galaxy.

Without much delay, the geneticist An, the creator of the Anunna warriors of whom he was supreme commander, appointed them a subordinate leader. He assigned this military function to EnLíl. When An, EnLíl and the Anunna arrived in the Solar System, An, leading a large part of his army, had succeeded, after a series of bloody battles, in establishing his headquarters on the 𒀭𒄊𒀕𒃲 [KišUnuGal], i.e. the planet Mars. Interestingly, the Sumerian term 𒄑𒈥𒋗 [MarŠu] means 'a weapon', more specifically 'a sword', while its archaic near-homophone 𒈥𒊓 [MarSa] means 'military storehouse'.

Shortly afterwards, An imposed the settlement of EnLíl and a group of his Anunna soldiers under the latter's orders, on the planet Earth in the area initially designated by the name Eden, later called Kalam and later Sumer, due to its promising agricultural potential and above all, because of the existence of several 𒋛𒀀𒀯 [Diri(g)Mul] stellar portals (or stargates), already spotted at that time, which in the eyes of these new colonisers constituted a strategic military argument of the utmost importance.

As soon as they arrived in Eden, the AnunnaKi harboured animosity towards the entire Nu'ungal group, later referred to by the Akkadian term Igigi. It should be remembered that the Nu'ungal were conceived in a laboratory by their two designers, identified by the names EnKi and Namma. It should be pointed out that the female planner Namma specialised in the science of ascensional genetic hybridisation and cloning. This animosity was doubly amplified by the leader of the AnnunaKi, i.e. EnLíl, who did not like his designer EnKi, as well as by An who, it should be remembered, was the designer of all the Anunna warriors, including those who were settled down on the planet Earth where they bore the name AnunnaKi.

Forced irrigation works.

Now, I would like to turn to a Mesopotamian text written on clay tablets in the Akkadian language. The work in question is entitled 𒀜𒊏𒄩𒋀 which is pronounced [Atra-Ḫasīs], meaning "Extremely wise". This is basically describing the creation of the world and a flood. Here, let's focus our attention on the fact that, according to this text, the Igigi, thus the Nu'ungal, who were considered as 𒀭𒀭, a term pronounced [Dig̃ir] or [An-An], i.e. as divine beings of inferior rank who reached Earth from Heaven, worked physically. They were compelled to dig two rivers, the Tigris and the Euphrates, in order to redirect their waters, as far as possible directly to the great plain of the Kalam region, also called KiEnGir and later Sumer, with the aim of permanently irrigating its large area, destined to be an arable and agricultural homeland. This undertaking was carried out day and night for many years under the direction of the Anunna who, as warriors, were exempt from any physical work not directly related to military activities.

" When the gods instead of man, did the work, bore the loads, the gods' load was too great, the work too hard, the punishment too much, the great Anunna-gods made the [prisoners] Igigi-gods carry the workload sevenfold. Anu, the father of all the Anunna was king, their counsellor warrior Enlil, their chamberlain was Ninurta, their canal-controller was Ennugi. ", lines 1-10. And further on : " The Annuna-gods of the sky made the [prisoners] Igigi-gods bear the workload. These gods had to dig out canals, had to clear channels, the lifelines of the land. These gods dug out the Tigris river and then dug out the Euphrates.", lines 19-24 in Atra-Ḫasīs.

EnKi could have rejected An's order to condemn the Nu'ungal civilisers to imprisonment and slave labour for irrigation, but consented. He knew that his insubordination would have triggered the relentless hunt for the Nu'ungal, leading to their ultimate condemnation to the death penalty. Especially as An's very first supporters were EnLíl, the chief of the AnunnaKi and at the time his female companion, the uncompromising and ambitious 𒀭𒎏𒄯𒊕 [NinḪurSag̃] later called Ninmah, the designer and founder of her residence with a sumptuous garden initially named 𒄯𒊕 [KḪurSag̃] (as shown on clay cylinder CBS 8383-a in columns 2 and 5) and later 𒂔 [Eden], thus the famous biblical Eden, located in the south-eastern region of the Taurus Mountains, close to the upper streams of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.

At some point, but not at all at the beginning, EnKi managed to negotiate and free a single Nu'ungal identified as 𒍪𒄷𒋾 [ZuḪuTi] who would later be settled in the land of 𓆎𓅓𓏏𓊖 [K(u)M(a/e)T], a term rendered in 𓂋𓏺𓈖𓆎𓅓𓏏𓊖 [R'n-Km. t] or Re-EnKemet, the language of the Egyptian pharaohs. The 𓆎𓅓𓏏𓊖 was later transcribed into Coptic by the name Ⲕⲏⲙⲉ [K(h)ēmə], to simplify Kemet, that is to say Egypt. There, 𒍪𒄷𒋾 [ZuḪuTi], who became EnKi's first protégé, would bear the name 𓅝𓏏𓏭 [DjuHuTi], also pronounced [Djehuti], later pronounced [Th(e)uT(i)] and transcribed into ancient Greek Θώθ [Thốth], thus the famous Thoth. Let's note that the Sumerian expression ZuḪuTi designates "winged (spiritual) knowledge that crosses in sharing materiality". For some additional information, intrigued readers can see my article "Enki and Osiris" published here on the FlorRaison pages.

The forced irrigation work to which the Nu'ungal-(Igigi) were subjected, therefore continued for a very long time until their insurrection, which marked a sharp retrograde historical break in the evolution of life on planet Earth. This is because, prior to this insurrection, the human species with its fundamentally simian genetic heritage was made up of the branch known as Ádam Abel, in other words Homo Neanderthalensis. This means that the Ádam Cain prototype, in other words Homo Sapiens, who was intentionally designed to be more rigid and narrow in the exercise of mental activities and less developed spiritually, did not exist at that time, because he had not yet emerged from an artificial matrix.

An ancestral strain with multiple potential.

Today we are being encouraged to become more flexible in our interpretations of realities that we too often perceive in distorted, prefabricated, fragmented and incomplete ways. This shift in our limited mental attitudes towards more crystal-connected thought forms that are far more fluid, but still unused by many humans, especially those who operate almost exclusively with the left hemisphere of their brains, is proving inescapable for those who wish to raise their own vital frequency rate.

It is important to consider a reality that occurred in the distant past in terms of our earthly history from another angle. It is a reality from which at least some of us humans today are able to recognise that the strain of reptilian humanoid colonisers bears witness to species-diverse genetic characteristics derived essentially from scientifically-assisted hybridisation processes. As we have seen, the Nu'ungal-(Igigi) and Annuna-(Ki) lineages did not share the same prototypical genome at all.

Obviously, these two branches are not the only ones to have existed on Earth. For example, the many aquatic and surface plants were introduced to seed, shape and structure terrestrial ecosystems in harmonious ecological ways by non-reptilian intergalactic planners. The same was done, for example, for corals, fish, insects and birds. It will be the same later, at one decisive moment, for mammals. This means that the Solar System, including of course planet Earth, has been and continues to be visited by a number of extraterrestrial planner races.

To consider only the large reptilian humanoid family, it can be defined in Sumerian lexicography by the term 𒂍 [E2] meaning 'home', 'household', and in the subsequent extension of the semantic field by 'genetic foundation stock (or ancestral genetic stock with multiple potential)'. This term serves here as an identifier and introduces the expression (𒂍)𒄀𒈾𒀊𒄭 [GiNaAbḪi] which breaks down into : 𒄀 [Gi] 'essence' + 𒈾 [Na] 'male humanoid' + 𒀊 [Ab] 'male ancestor' + 𒄭 [Ḫi] 'tissue or more specifically skin transformation / restructuring'. The final term 𒄭 [Ḫi] suggests that this is a common cutaneous characteristic specific to lizards, which consists of periodic renewal of the skin. It is therefore the physiological phenomenon of moulting.

In our context, the indication 𒂍𒄀𒈾𒀊𒄭 consequently designates a reptilian humanoid ancestral branch encompassing several diversified reptilian species, not necessarily genetically compatible with each other. The term GiNaAbḪi has a precise Sumerian synonym, Šutum, which uses the same pictographic form 𒄀𒈾𒀊𒄭. It is worth noting that these two designations, GiNaAbḪi and Šutum, refer to the same word, 'lizards'. In some other contexts, they are incorrectly translated as 'Dragons', bearing in mind that the term 'dragon' is represented by the word 𒍘𒃲 pronounced [UšumGal], literally meaning 'great and noble dragons', the Ushumgal being another line of humanoid reptilians established in the constellation 𒀯𒍘 [Ušu(m)], otherwise known as the constellation of the Dragon or more specifically Draco in English.

A spiral of disagreements between the sexes.

In the cosmically distant past and for a long time, some strains of reptilian descendants considered female humanoid reptilians to represent beings belonging to a genetically distinct reptilian lineage or lineages. The pictograph 𒂼 pronounced [Ama] means 'mother' and was often used as an introductory word in the designation of these beings. For example the word 𒂼𒈲 [AmaMuš] means 'mother snake', bearing in mind that the term 'snake' (or 'lizard') has several Sumerian pictographic and phonological synonyms, such as 𒈲 [Muš], 𒈲𒃲 [MušGal], 𒈲𒄈 [MušG̃ír], 𒍘 [Ušum], 𒂇 [Mir], 𒅴𒋃 [EmeŠid] or 𒅴𒁶 [EmeŠidim], or originally 𒀏 [Ag̃arin] which is a lineage we will discuss further in the following paragraph. Some of these words refer to serpent-like animals, while others refer to thinking beings with a reptilian genetic heritage. Now, here is a surprise : the word 𒈲 [Muš] meaning 'snake', which appears more often than its other synonyms, also has its homonym 𒈹 [Mùš] meaning 'Sacred Milky Space (Milky Way)' and by extrapolation 'assigned cosmic space'. Obviously, this is not a matter of chance.

It is interesting to point out that the very ancient lineage of 𒀏 [Ag̃arin] is also written with the pictographs 𒂼𒂆 [Ag̃arìn]. Pronounced identically, these two synonymic designations 𒀏 and 𒂼𒂆 are therefore homophonic here and mean 'Matrix', 'Uterus', 'Mother-and-Father' or 'Formatrix'. In fact, this is a lineage of female humanoid reptilians being capable of giving birth to their offspring without sexual intercourse with their male partners, i.e. by parthenogenesis. In the Gnostic texts rejected by the Christian Church, the faculty of procreation being able to occur physically by parthenogenesis is implied in the term offering multiple layers of interpretation, which is "Triple Power" (ref.: the NagʿḤammādī Library, X-1, Marsanes 9:1-29) and is indicated in the sentence "Self-Gendering in the manner of an image (or clone)" (ref.: NagʿḤammādī, Allogenes 51:13-32). It is stated there, for example, that one of the incarnate entities endowed with this power was called Pistis. This name, rendered in Greek Πίστις [Pistis] may come from another very ancient language. 

So, here's what I found. In the Sumerian language, the vowels 'e' and 'i' can often be replaced by each other. The same natural phenomenon of phonetic substitution in Sumerian applies to the consonants 'd'/'t' and also 's'/'š'. As a result, the name Πίστις can be transcribed into Sumerian morphemes 𒄫𒁹 pronounced [PešDiš], therefore the term which means 'Three in One' (!). This is significant. Pistis was not the only case of the triple power realised in materiality. There have been others, bearing in mind that this episode in the history of life manifested in intelligent humanoid forms on planet Earth goes far back into the past through many millions of years.

If we look at this whole story from a wider perspective within the fabric of space and time, we can ask ourselves why, in this world of humanoids with a reptilian morphological heritage, there was and perhaps still is a premeditated genetic split with negative competitive consequences between the two sexes. Today we are free not to rule out the scenario that this is the case because of a very long war in our galaxy named Milky Way. One aspect of this bellicose conflict took the form of a psychological and technological war between the sexes.

With a few sometimes disappointing, sometimes edifying exceptions in each adverse camp, by impartially considering the decision-making and event-driven complexity which appears to be inherent in the Universe we evolve in, it is interesting to highlight the fact that in multiple realities where reptilians operate, on the whole, the female lineages showed a higher rate of original loving luminic vitality than that of the lineages of their male partners. As a result, the females, not all, but the majority of them, were more intuitive, able to establish contact more quickly and easily with the spirits of Nature, whatever the planet of their residence, and to listen to the unbiased messages that reached them from the sphere of the Source of all the origins of all the universes.

Such an intuitive vibration made it possible to see events occurring in the intermittent parallel lines of future time. Many of those females possessed a deeper knowledge and a phenomenal sibylline ability. They used this ability to ward off and neutralise the timelines that looked chaotic, dangerous and useless. They also focused this power on the selection of optimal peaceful future timelines.

The male reptilians, not all, but the majority of them, had very few of these psychic characteristics and deliberately remained far more intellectual and gradually less compassionate. What they lacked most was therefore what they did not possess, namely the faculty of procreation by parthenogenesis and the capacity to foresee the future. At one point, for reasons of political power and control, parthenogenesis was banned in favour of conventional sexual relations. At another time, all natural procreation (i.e. by parthenogenesis and mating) was banned and eliminated in favour of cloning. In these other socio-political contexts, if an offspring was to be born naturally, it had to be brought into the world clandestinely.

Subversive deviations in planning.

All this suggests that, at least in our galaxy, the diversity of reptilian humanoid species is surprisingly wide. In Mesopotamian literature, for example, there is a term for a strain of hybridised reptilian males with singularly aggressive motor and psychic characteristics. This lineage is defined by the Akkadian term 𒈲𒍽 pronounced [MušḪuššu] meaning 'reddish', 'furious', 'wicked'. These beings were thought to resemble winged humanoid snakes. The older Sumerian term 𒈲𒄊 [MušḪúš] means 'fierce mythical serpents'. I did some further research into Sumerian synonyms for this. Now, the pictograph 𒂇 [Mir] means 'mythical snake', 'storm', 'wicked'. The 𒉈 [Gir10] means 'wickedness', 'rage', while the 𒁽 [Gir5] means 'runner' and also translates the verbs 'to slip', 'to slither'. According to certain myths, the 𒈲𒄊 [MušḪúš] were beings capable of materialising and dematerialising at unpredictable moments in fights and battles. Not by chance, the closely related phonetic term 𒉎𒄭𒄊 [NíḪúš] means 'terrifying apparition'. As I understand it, they were beings living in a very opaque and low vibratory spectrum imperceptible to our vision, but capable of slipping from their frequency octave into ours and becoming temporarily visible to our eyes.

We can safely assume that these were fierce, pestilential warriors whose rate of luminic vitality was extremely low. These creatures did exist on planet Earth and, for example, have been represented in the form of gargoyles decorating specific sections of our churches and cathedrals. And we can safely assume that An, very probably in the company of at least one of the geneticists in the line of his ancestors, co-created this strain of 𒈲𒄊 [MušḪúš] in his laboratory for reasons of war and conquest. The reptilian females were not the only ones to be very afraid of the Mush-Hush army. So let's clarify that genetically and psychologically, the Mush-Hush were not Anunna at all.

What is most intriguing, is the fact that we find the same term 𒄭𒄊 [Ḫúš] in the Sumerian designation 𒄭𒄊𒈣 [ḪúšMa] meaning 'furious king' and also 'weapon' or 'armed king(s)'. It's no coincidence that, phonetically and therefore in terms of pronunciation, 𒈣 [Ma] is very close to 𒊬 [Mú], which means 'enraged'. Except that here, we have to go back in time several million terrestrial years. In my understanding, we're not talking here about any type of thinking beings, but about a breed of wild animals that we might refer to today as 'predatory dinosaurs'.

This episode relates to the Late Triassic phase, during which, an initial plan to sow exclusively herbivorous animal forms, was intentionally altered. This alteration constituted a subversive planning deviation. It consisted of introducing prototypes of carnivorous dinosaurs that had been genetically engineered in laboratories and were singularly aggressive, with a view to lowering the frequencies of planet Earth in stages over the long term. There was a strategic purpose to this, but that would be another chapter for us.

Let us nevertheless highlight in this regard that in Gnostic documentation, there appears a Coptic proper name transcribed into ancient Greek which is Ἀδάμας [Ădămās]. Despite the fact that this name grammatically indicates a single conscious, acting entity, it refers to a humanoid reptilian genetic strain, thus a group of embodied souls. In this group, not all, but numerous souls were trapped in the luminic deficiency of reflections. Certain Adamas individuals were the perpetrators of the above-mentioned subversive deviation. Let us add that on the scale of stellar time, the distant ancestors of this strain were responsible for the cataclysm of cosmic magnitude that occurred in the 𒀯𒉺𒇻𒍣𒀭𒈾 [PaLuZiAnNa] also pronounced [SiPa(d)ZiAnNa], in ancient Greek Ὠαρίων [Ô-a-ríôn], thus in the constellation of Orion. More specifically, it is a darkened area of this constellation referred to today as the Messier 42 Nebula.

It should be clarified that the Sumerian term 𒀯𒉺𒇻𒍣𒀭𒈾 translates as "The stellar region where the controlling humanoid winged slingshot (= animal flock overseers) annihilated the sky". It is very likely that the Sanskrit term रुद्र [Rudra] for the four-faced god of storm, destruction, desolation and medicine (we imply genetics), refers to a group of manipulative individuals obsessed with their desire for the annihilation of the established cosmic order. It is very likely that the रुद्र [Rudra] refers to the Adamas strain. All the more so since, by reconstructing this word in Sumerian morphemes 𒊒𒌓𒊏 [R(u)UdRà] where 𒊒 [Ru] = 'to blow' + 𒌓 [Ud] = 'storm' 𒊏 + [Rà] = 'to gut' and 'to kill', we obtain the expression "the triggers and propagators of the storm that disembowels / annihilates (the world)". In this connection, it should be noted that रुद्र [Rudra], which in Sanskrit also means 'dreadful', prefigures शिव [Šiva], hence Shiva.

According to the rules in the referential conjugation of verb forms, the Greek word Adamas can be broken down into Ἀ-δαμάζΩ [A-damazÔ] where Ἀ constitutes the first letter of the alphabet, that is, a beginning. The verb δαμάζω [damazô] means 'to dominate' and ends grammatically with an Ω [Ô-Méga] which is the penultimate letter, thus the 26-th in the ancient Greek alphabet, designating an end beyond which there is the opening towards another inverted reality, valid for another cosmic cycle of time. It might also refer to a parallel cycle of time and parallel reality. What's more, the Ἀ itself carries the idea of negation. Thus, the word Ἀδαμάς means 'indomitable' and in the physical sense, 'unbreakable' like adamant, like diamond. Before closing this paragraph, let's note that the Sumerian term 𒁁𒈪 [Adama] means 'a darkened coloured bodily outflow'. Here, I cannot help but think of Nebula M42 in an area of the constellation Orion where "the celestial milk has been annihilated". And finally, the almost phonetically identical Sumerian term 𒈓 [Adamin] means 'people of contestation', 'people of dispute and combat'. This very pictograph reveals a glaring visual detail : two worlds (or two realities) that, passing through an invisible mirror, encroach on each other.

Just think of these three short quotations : " [...] Adamas existed in the first luminous cloud, the one that no Angel had ever seen amongst all those called gods. ", excerpt from the Sahidic Coptic manuscript ref.: Codex Tchacos, the Gospel of Judas, 48:13. And also : " The multitude of these immortals [Adamas] was called Kosmos - or destruction [...] ", Gospel of Judas, 50:14. And for example further on " [...] Adamas, the great tyrant, and all the tyrants existing in all the Aeons, began to fight without cause against the Light [...] ", excerpt from Codex Askewianus ref.: Pistis-Sophia I, 15.

On Earth, many of today's Homo Sapiens individuals are confusing the AnunnaKi mostly with the Mush-Hush breed, but also with the Ushumgal and Igigi strains, not realising that these lineages constitute very different reptilian races, with varying levels of vital luminosity and that they are, in many cases, genetically incompatible.

Efforts to instil peace between the sexes.

At a later point in history, the AnunnaKi, whose status was that of male warriors initially settled in the land of Eden, obtained authorisation to found families with the 𒅴𒁶 [EmeŠidim], the female reptilian humanoids present on planet Earth long before the arrival of the Annuna. There were some EmeŠidim who voluntarily accepted the project of mating with AnunnaKi in order to provide an inevitably hybridized offspring. This was possible because of the acceptable genetic compatibility between these two lineages, despite a number of differences, the main one being the great difference between their rates of vital spiritual luminosity, with that of the females being much higher.

The Sumerian designation 𒅴𒁶 [EmeŠidim] means '(who speaks) the female tongue of the serpent builders', bearing in mind that the homophone 𒌝𒈨𒁶 [Eme2Šidim] means 'the female builder/s who are nurse/s of serpent offspring'. The designation 𒅴𒁶 [EmeŠidim] conceals the term 𒋃 [Šid] which means 'pot (for grain)', 'date' and, in my perception, suggests that the EmeŠidim were vegetarians. As a reminder, the Anunna were carnivorous. The mixing of these two lineages allowed, at least for some of the AnunnaKi, to raise their frequencies a little on the morphological and etheric levels, but not without the risk of lowering the vibratory rate of some of the EmeŠidim.

It is interesting to mention that after the liberation of the IgiGi, some of them had sexual relations with certain other EmeŠidim. As a result, their hybridized offspring gained a higher overall vibratory grade.

They were skilful trackers, but not at all investigators.

Returning to the AnunnaKi, let's take a closer look at what their psychological characteristics might have been. While compiling numerous facsimiles of clay tablets written in Sumerian, I couldn't help but recognise in myself an impression that the originals from which whole series of copies came into the light of day in prehistoric archives that no longer exist, were written by individuals belonging to the AnunnaKi genetic branch. They were calculating beings not devoid of emotion. They easily experienced feelings of anger, euphoria, despondency and anxiety. They knew what fear meant, since they were afraid in many everyday circumstances. Their sense of compassion was rudimentary and their souls had to deepen the transcendent value of this feeling, which, in the energetic sphere of their minds, constituted a real challenge, probably insurmountable for some of them. This is not to say that these beings were unaware of suffering, as they themselves were subject to it. Their intellectual faculties were not enlarged, yet they were sufficiently acute to consider themselves as representatives of a lineage better than all the other humanoid lineages, simply because by decree, they administratively dominated the other races established on planet Earth.

Their social dominance required little in the way of scriptural skills, and those among the AnunnaKi who could read and write were extremely rare. Their comprehension of the world in which they were evolving was, shall we say, medieval. They referred to their lords by the title 𒀭 [An] also pronounced [Dig̃ir] meaning "celestial highnesses" and identified themselves as 𒀭𒌉 [Dig̃ir-Dumu], i.e. their "divine sons". All those under their control, for example, for a long time the Nu'ungal-IgiGi or later the communities of the Homo stock such as, at the beginning of this episode, Ádam Abel (Homo Neanderthalensis), represented, according to their cunningly programmed beliefs, subaltern beings and, in the case of the entire Homo stock, inferior beings who lived on Earth only to serve the AnunnaKi and their creators.

Not all Anunna, however, some of them, took an unhealthy pleasure in morally demeaning others who found themselves under their authority and, what was not uncommon, even resorted to bodily harm. Not all of them, however, many Annuna(Ki) felt a sense of vibrational comfort in custodial environments where, during curfew periods, they worked as warders and gaolers. Nevertheless, the most thankless tasks in the guard groups were relayed to specimens treated as common labour, belonging to one of the 𒊾 [Kiši6] branches consisting of ant-headed humanoids, one of the genetic creations made by a faction of the 𒄀𒈾𒀊𒄭 [GiNaAbḪi] reptilians. The term 𒊾 [Kiši6] literally means 'ant', and its homophone Kiši(b) means 'hand/s' and, by extrapolation, 'manual labour'. These beings have no individuated intelligence and are very obedient. Today, many humans perceive them as a hostile species and, lacking discernment, confuse them with a number of other races that are beneficial to humanity.

Let us recognise the evidence that in many intelligent humanoid species, and therefore not only reptilian ones, there have always been exceptional individualities who escaped any social and/or psychological categorisation. Some others amongst the AnnunaKi subconsciously sought to learn how to raise their vibratory rate and often failed, but sometimes, with greater efforts, succeeded. In these cases, it was important to consider several event-driven options, to select the one that presented itself as optimal in the form of a life path chosen in physicality and to glimpse to what extent the individual concerned would be able to evolve in terms of her or his vital frequency during the same incarnation. It should be pointed out that this process is initiated at the level of the soul before this very soul decides to incarnate in a particular species and therefore in a genetic body of its choice.

Globally in their evolution, the Anunna living on Earth and elsewhere have always had a serious intellectual problem. For them, this problem was the major difficulty in formulating questions, especially the right questions. Of course, they are not the only species with this problem. For this reason alone, the AnunnaKi were ably trackers, but not at all investigators. They knew how to protect their gains and social privileges. They just did it manu militari. For the most part, they weren't very disciplined themselves, but that didn't prevent them from imposing iron discipline on others. In this respect, it should be noted that experts with long experience in psychological manipulation, specialists belonging to several other distinct reptilian races, knew how to make the Anunna obedient and disciplined by frightening them and freezing them in circumstances of threat and survival.

It happened that certain AnunnaKi were forced to descend in vibratory frequency below the threshold of the need for survival and became mentally unbalanced to the point of losing control of their own thoughts and actions. This descent bordered on a depth inaccessible to the higher vibrations of any specimen of the Homo stock. However, these were relatively rare cases. Some other AnnunaKi sought to raise their frequencies by coming into contact and co-operating with individuals whose vibratory rate of life force was brighter (such as the reptilian Eme-Shidim females).

Unlike some reptilian genetic strains such as Ushumgal or Ag̃arìn, or else some EmeŠidim females, the Anunna(Ki) were not telepaths, which suggests that they were unable to read the thoughts and peer into the mental images of others.

To put the finishing touch to this summary psychological portrait, we should also point out that they found no interest in artistic activities. After all, the Anunna(Ki) were originally programmed as warriors meant to have no qualms about bloody battles, killing those designated as their enemies and demolishing all the material possessions of the opposing side along with all the works of art these possessions housed. Much later, only a few of them, in their subconscious quest for an evolutionary frequency rise engrammed in their souls, learned to appreciate works of art solely in terms of their material value, without being able to detect in them any possibility of initiation and opening up to the spiritual dimensions emanating from these works.

The noble guardians of the Earth with an immense destiny.

Having said all this in a nutshell, we feel in our heart of hearts that the prehistory of intelligent life on planet Earth is not limited solely to humanoid species whose genetic heritage is fundamentally reptilian and later simian. It is very important in our investigation not to overlook the existence of at least one very ancient humanoid species, primordial in several respects.

In the Sumerian language we find the archaic term 𒉆𒇽𒍇 [NamLúÙlu], often pronounced [NamLú'lu] and also in a contracted form [NamLúU]. This term refers to the original Humanity on Earth. We can obviously break it down into three successive pictographs read from left to right : 𒉆+𒇽+𒍇 and scrutinise the semantic fields of each of them. Thus, the first pictograph 𒉆 [Nam] means 'will', 'faith', 'testament', 'area of responsibility', 'destiny' and also initially 'guardian', a concept later extended to 'manager' and 'lord'. Its homophone 𒉇 [Nám] again means 'destiny' and also 'foresight', 'able to anticipate, to plan', as well as 'prince' and 'noble'. Then, the second pictograph 𒇽 [Lú] means 'important human being(s)'. And finally the third one, which is 𒍇 [Ùlu], also pronounced [U18], meaning 'immense' in each phonetic case. We can deduce from this that the term 𒉆𒇽𒍇 [NamLúÙlu] referred to the "Noble Guardians of the Earth with an immense destiny". On this point, as far as pronunciation is concerned, there is a strong resemblance with the Sanskrit language, where the नाम [Nama] means 'name' and the मूल [Mula] means 'beginning', 'source'. In addition, the आमूलम् ['AmUlam] means 'from the beginning'. Thus, the Sumerian term 𒉆𒇽𒍇 [NamLúÙlu] bears a striking resemblance to the Sanskrit term नाम मूल [Nam(a)M(u)La], which may refer to a people who bore an original archaic name, or to an earliest folk on Earth who had been given a name. Could this be another coincidence ?

It should be stressed that there were at least two genetic versions of this strain. The initial humanoid version was more physical, the second one was more ethereal. Reptilian genetic planners were not involved in the engineering of the NamLú'lu lineage, either in its initial or later versions. The NamLú'lu were already present on the mega-continent called Pangaea. They were rather solitary beings, but sometimes they formed triads, in other words groups of three individuals, for reasons we won't go into in this chapter. Let's just mention that the NamLú'lu were telepaths capable of communicating through mental images with Nature spirits who inhabited the living forms of minerals, plants and animals. They provided energetic protection for ecosystems on a planetary scale. The ethereal version had more capacity to move in frequency octaves undulating above the third octave valid for the functioning of aspected consciousness in what today's humans refer to as the "third dimension".

For these beings, our octave was the densest to access and, unlike the Homo Sapiens species that will come into physical existence a fragment of eternity later, they could not descend any lower. This also means that at their luminic level, the NamLú'lu exchanged vital information with certain spheres of consciousness evolving in angelic frequencies and other spheres capable of rising as high as the frequencies proper to the consciousness of divine cosmic avatars.

Unlike a large number of humanoid species, including the Homo Sapiens branch, NamLú'lu did not act in any programmed way, since they were not programmed to do so. For certain wisely prolonged periods, they kept away from the scenes of struggle for survival, corruption, qui pro quo and battle, having placed themselves in the background often as impartial observers whose task was to continue transmitting information about what was happening to the higher octaves. In reality, they never left planet Earth. Of their own free will, in terms of incarnation, the souls of some of these beings have physically appeared amongst us at our present time, because there is an emergency of galactic magnitude.

A starred longevity scale.

Of course we have every right to wonder about the longevity of the NamLú'lu people, and we are not wrong in speculating that specimens belonging to the more ethereal strain of this species lived a very, very long time. And what of the AnnunaKi ? Could they possibly have lived for long ?

Well, the document written in Sumerian on clay tablets, entitled 𒉆𒈗 [NamLugal], which means "Kingship", more commonly known as "The Sumerian Kingl List" gives us some insight. This list enumerates kings from the antediluvian dynasties to Sin-magir, the fourteenth king of the Isin dynasty (c. 1827-1817 BC). It should be noted that there were several floods, and it is not clear which of them marked the turning point. Be that as it may, the longevity of a considerable number of these kings provides us with much to wonder about.

" After the kingship descended from heaven, the kingship was in Eridug. In Eridug, Alulim became king ; he ruled for 28 800 years. Alaljar ruled for 36 000 years. 2 kings ; they ruled for 64 800 years. Then Eridug fell and the kingship was taken to Bad-tibira. In Bad-tibira, En-men-lu-ana ruled for 43 200 years. En-men-gal-ana ruled for 28 800 years. Dumuzid, the shepherd, ruled for 36 000 years. 3 kings ; they ruled for 108 000 years. [...] " Excerpt from the beginning, lines 1-17 of "The Sumerian King List" (which continues to line 431) in the collections of the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, Great Britain.

No, this is neither fantasy, nor science fiction. The question is whether, with life spans of this order, we are talking about Homo Sapiens individuals. I don't think so, especially since in the landscape of questions I'm asking myself and of my subsequent research, it seems clear that the terrestrial humanoids of the simian branch had at their disposal short biological incarnations numbering at most a few decades.

It could have been certain IgiGi reptilian civilisers, but they had no interest in political careers. They have already left the territory of Eden. Some of them headed for the Taurus Mountains.

I had fun trying to transcribe the name of the province Şanlıurfa into Sumerian morphemes. This province is located in the Taurus Mountains in the south of today's Turkey. It borders on Syria. Thus, knowing that in Sumerian the consonant N can sometimes take the form of G̃ pronounced [ng] and that the non-existent consonant F must be replaced by B, the Turkish name Şanlıurfa breaks down into 𒊕𒉌𒃡𒌍 [Sag̃LíÙrBà], which can be translated as "The vanguard who in the mountains measures the (celestial) vault of the signs of future events".

When the pictograph 𒃡 [Ùr] meaning 'vault' is replaced by its homophone 𒄯 [Ur5] referring to the adjectives 'confined/s', 'imprisoned/s' and the verbs 'collect', 'store', we obtain the variant "The confined vanguard who measures and collects the (heavenly scintillating) signs of future events". This translation is possible if the final pictograph 𒌍 [Bà] meaning 'omen' is replaced by its homophone 𒈦 [Ba7] meaning 'sparkling'. The Nu'ungal-IgiGi, who were able to provide strategic information by rigorously observing the starry sky and were civilising experts in a number of fields, including astronomy, were - we remember - before their social emancipation on Earth, under the carceral control wielded by the AnunnaKi. Is it by chance that the Turkish province of Şanlıurfa is home to the archaeological site of Göbekli Tepe ?

On their final departure from Eden, another group of Nu'ungal-IgiGi headed for the land of Kemet, that is to say, Egypt.

To refer once again to the famous Sumerian King List, it seems very plausible that, bearing witness to incredibly long life spans in our view, but made possible by a specific, fundamentally reptilian genetic make-up, these humanoid kings were AnunnaKi and their descendants, whose descendants, at least some of them, possessed the ability to transform the physical appearance of their bodies. 

More camouflage.

In Sumerian, the sequence of pictographs 𒋗𒅗𒋢𒈹 pronounced [ŠuDug4SuMùš] breaks down into : 𒋗𒅗 [ŠuDug4] 'transform' + 𒋢 [Su] 'body', 'flesh' + 𒈹 [Mùš] 'appearance', meaning "the transformation of bodily appearance". Another example is the term 𒁶𒉽𒋢𒈹, which can be broken down into 𒁶 [Dím] 'to make' + 𒉽 [Kúr] 'different', 'alternating' + 𒋢 [Su] 'body', 'flesh' + 𒈹 [Mùš] 'appearance', which means "to change or alternate bodily appearance". Let's add that the synonym of 𒋢 [Su] 'body' is the word 𒌣 [Úmun], meaning once again 'body' and also 'knowledge', which implies a capacity that is both psychic and genetic. And let's recall that the word 𒈹 [Mùš] 'appearance', has its perfect homonym which is 𒈲 [Muš] meaning 'snake'. This very feature has nothing to do with moulting, but with a shift in the appearance of the body's contours and surface. In English, this phenomenon is known colloquially as shape-shifting

On a galactic scale, certain species far more spiritually evolved than the AnunnaKi and Homo Sapiens, possess the capacity for polymorphic transformations, which they use for peaceful purposes. Knowing that very many individuals belonging to the Homo Sapiens species are afraid of what is different and what they do not understand, especially when it comes to physical manifestations, these beings avoid appearing in their original form in intellectually immature environments. They do not wish to be perceived either as saviours, or as those from whom humans flee or whom they seek to eliminate. Some of them, however, are present among us and rub shoulders with us in ordinary human form.

Extras and those who deprogramme themselves.

A reminiscent vision is now unfolding to my gaze, as it passes through a crystal. Some thinking individuals, whatever galactic race they belong to, have a path, while others, whatever galactic race they belong to, have none. Those who have a path, have chosen this path, because they had a choice amongst several options. They always have a choice, because they know how to ask questions and how to listen, and because they listen.

Those who do not have a path, have none, because they do not ask questions and do not listen. They do not listen, because they are part of a scenery. They don't really have a purpose in life. Instead of a purpose of any kind, they have a programme of which they are not the authors. They are programmed in the way of a hologram. They are incarnated to live in materiality, to work and to die. They have chosen nothing. They are part of the scenery, they are extras. They are raw chaotic energies placed in a set for those who have a path. These energies move from one star system to another and materialise like extras in a film. The fundamental function of these extras is to act as obstacles and to divert those who are moving forward along this path. It follows that some of those who advance on their path, can be led astray and trapped.

All this is part of the lessons for those who have a path, who continue to ask questions and listen. Those who have stopped listening, even those among them who speak in an authoritative voice without listening to others, no longer learn anything and end up blending into the background, into the scenery.

Some of those who are not extras arrived on Earth several times in the past stretching over millions of terrestrial years. In this group, there are also those who, in their capacity as cosmically evolved souls of masters, arrived in the Solar System the very first time and who, today, rub shoulders with us. They all know that the extras belonging to the Homo Sapiens race are quarrelsome, get angry, hurt each other, judge each other and kill each other, unable to understand that on Earth, suffering no longer has any karmic function and is no longer useful. They know that the extras confuse humility with humiliation and victimisation. They know that it is very difficult for extras to verbalise a thank-you or a justified compliment that is uplifting to anyone who deserves it.

In the many cosmic cycles of the doubling of time, those who do not have a path, have cut themselves off from their Central Self, that humans call "higher self", and have none. They remain on the periphery, where the scenery is, and are part of it.

Those who have a path on planet Earth in our present time are here voluntarily. They do not interfere with anyone's free will. They are here - let us repeat their motivation - to assist us, the Earthlings, in our efforts to raise in frequency the vital luminic rate of as many individuals as possible. The stakes are of cosmic magnitude, because if we fail, the involutive repercussions would have an intensely contagious cancerous impact on many galaxies in the Universe. So, this is by no means a local episodic affair of the humanoid terrestrial species that calls itself Homo Sapiens.

Those who have a path on the planet Earth of our present time are infusing and helping to bring about and disseminate the vital luminic divine vibrations that they receive directly from the Cardiac Centre of the Source of all Origins. This is not an easy task, but it is a fascinating one, all the more so, given that the thinking humanoid races present on today's Earth are not the only ones involved. Numerous minerals, water, air, the universe of plants and animals are aligning themselves in stages in ascending frequencies faster and faster. These alignments enable them to fill up more and more easily with higher vibrations of connectivity and healing, undulating in the shape of multicoloured beams of conscious and indestructibly invigorating radiation. This is because crystals, trees and many animals also have a path.

As for humans who have a path, they have the ability to recognise one another intuitively. There are a great many of them today. And this is the most beautiful news that those who know how to listen can take in : They are ourselves.

In line with our vocation and our unique talents.

In the space-time fabric where the past, present and future unfold simultaneously, the New Earth already does exist. The entire Universe, that is not a mechanism but an organism, supports Her. Our unavoidable challenge is to help support this effort. That is why we have incarnated here. Now, what can we do ? Stop fearing, fleeing and hating. To do this, we need to redirect our thoughts towards all kinds of edifying forms of cooperation, especially as fear is localised only in our heads. As we have seen, we also need to stop provoking, arguing with each other, hurting each other and trying at all costs to always have the last word.

The path for all of us is to help in a myriad of ways, according to our vocation and our unique talents combined together for our own fulfilment, that of planet Earth and the Universe as a whole. By helping each other, we raise our frequencies. And when we do, then, even the most distant stars are grateful.

Any belief that stems from the head, shatters the universe of the body. 
Any belief that stems from the heart, reinforces the totality of the universe of the body 
in its indestructible magnificence. 

Where does the Force reside ? 

Irénée Sikora
 Translated from the French original version entitled 
"Les AnunnaKi en vue plongeante" by the author. 

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Cosmic Engravings   -   ©Harm Kuijers
Photography and Text - ©Irénée Sikora
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Harm Kuijers

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1 comment:

  1. xanderboyd@hotmail.com12/02/2025, 16:59

    Good work, thank you. You display knowledge of Sumerian (& Akkadian?). Sadly there are no citations so it therefore precludes any serious appraisal.
